
On which devices does the extension work?
The extension works on almost all devices. From now on, for your safety, you can download the official extension or node from the grass store with very clear explanations. Visit after registration the “store page” for a correct setup. Choose: Chrome Extension or the Grass Community Node.

Chrome Extension
Chrome extension (Time Estimate: 2 min)

Node Extension (Advanced Installation)
If you click on the green button with the text “DOWNLOAD” under the text of “Grass Community Node”, you will be taken to the page where you can choose from the following options with very clear explanations.
Linux  (Time Estimate: 2 min)
MacOs  (Time Estimate: 3 min)
Windows  (
Time Estimate: 3 min)

Then go relax and go touch the grass.

How I use the “getgrass app“…lol
I use (24/7) Raspberry Pi 4b, but I didn’t feel like installing the node software, so I installed the extension in chromium, which simply runs in the background. I manage the Raspberry Pi remotely with Teamviewer.

There is no official phone app yet. You can already use your phone with a simple trick.
Click for Android.
Click for IPhone.